After interviewing hundreds of language arts teachers across the country, we created a supplemental grammar curriculum to fill the voids that teachers universally identified. In the 2006-2007 school year, Forever Learning conducted a pilot program for the GrammarActive® Parts of Speech Series in three Baltimore, Maryland schools. Our test groups included two sixth grade student bodies: Boys’ Latin School of Maryland, a private boys’ school, and a blue ribbon Baltimore County public middle school. These two schools collectively included over 160 6th grade students. We also provided the piloting program to a 10th grade English class in a public Baltimore City high school, National Foundation Academy, located within Digital High School.

One teacher in each grade per school administered the GrammarActive® Parts of Speech supplemental curriculum and review activities; the classes used it for the entire school year. Our results are based on pre and post testing from the GrammarActive® curriculum. Students in the pilot classes were given pre-tests before beginning an instructional unit. The teacher then began using the interactive teaching methods of GrammarActive®. Once the unit was finished, a post-test, which covered grammar usage and its application to writing, was administered to measure student improvement. Below are the results of the pre and post testing. Total Avg. % improvement data provided beneath chart is the average of the percentage increase in student performance on both tests taken.

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GrammarActive® has been throughly researched and has been proven to improve test performance by 43%.

Ideal for the following groups:
Elementary School (Grades 3-5)
Middle School
High School
Special Education

Review the National Curriculum Correlations:
5th Grade Standards
6th Grade Standards
7th Grade Standards
8th Grade Standards
High School-College Correlations